Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Faris First Solid

Started exactly when he reached 6 months. Sebelum dia 6 bulan lagi pun dah ramai suara2 suruh suap makan. Hmmm...hmmm....hmmmm....


I started to gave him fruits puree first. Banana to be exact. Taking my Annual leave semata nak jadi orang pertama yang suapkan makanan ke mulut anak sendiri. Bila pergi check up monthly dekat KK, nurse tanya la start kasi makan dengan ape? Told her fruits purée. Boleh pulak nurse tu suruh stop kasi buah. Dia suruh start with bubur nasi dulu. Reason nya takut nanti bila kita dah biasa kan dia dengan buah2an, bila dia rasa bubur nasi nanti, dia tak nak. Sebab buah kan manis and bubur kan tawar. Fikir logik la. Tak kan la kita nak suapkan bubur nasi kosong kan? Mesti akan ditambah dengan ayam/ikan/sayur. Nurse tu tambah lagi, fruits ni start bila umur dia dah cecah 8 months. From what I read, bubur nasi intro when he's 8 months. Then, setelah bertanya pendapat dekat ramai orang, I decided to gave him the bubur nasi together with ayam/ikan/sayur. Setakat ni Faris makan 2 kali sehari. Lunch makan bubur n diner makan fruits puree. 

His first puree

So far dalam banyak2 makanan yang Ayu kasi, I noticed he loves mashed potato n pears. Faris tak suka banana! Ayooo Faris. Masa ibu pregnantkan kamu, ibu paling suka makan banana tahu? It doesn't matter la sayang. Ibu loves always. Muax!

Segenggam beras je diperlukan

Ikan merah goreng dengan olive oil

Salmon but he prefer ikan merah =)

By the way, every weekend Ayu akan wat stock makanan Faris for the whole week. Jumaat after work tu dah kena siap beli semua bahan mentah untuk wat makanan Faris. Tapi kadang2 tu terlupa juga nak beli bahan mentah hari Jumaat. Kadang beli hari Sabtu. Tengok la. But I prefer to buy it all on Friday so that on Saturday, I can start preparing for his puree. Sunday plak Ayu nk iron my husband's n my work attires. Fyi, I always iron baju yang nak dipakai for the whole week. Since high school lagi memang gitu methodnya. Fuh...fuh...fuh... Motherhood isn't easy. 

Pear puree

Bubur + peas + ikan merah. All blend sampai halus mulus gebu. :p

Bekas ni ada jual di Giant. RM 3.99 dapat dua bekas

{From Ayu with ♥}

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Faris 1st Fever

When Faris entering his 7 months, he suddenly got a high fever. Not that before this dia x pernah demam. This time around lain macam sikit demam dia. Temperature naik terlalu tinggi. It started on Monday. Pagi Isnin tu, when I sent him to in laws, he was still fine. Petang after work tu, MIL said that badan dia panas semacam. Ayu dukung pun rasa, masya-Allah panasnya. Balik rumah terus check temperature. Ooo my. It was 37.2. 

Pagi Selasa, Ayu rasa badan Faris still panas. Check his temperature and it was increasing to 37.5. Tak boleh jadi ni. I need to sent him to the clinic. I took my EL. Masa dekat klinik, the Dr said that it was just a fever. Biasalah budak nak besar. So Dr bagi ubat batuk which is also ubat demam. Fine. Went back home, kasi makan n minum susu macam biasa then kasi ubat. 

Time ni dia still nak main lagi. Tapi lemah longlai la dia main

Dia suka peluk bantal busuk dia tu

Malam tu, check temperature lagi. Still sama tak berubah. 

Tengah malam tu, Faris bangun menyusu macam biasa. Bila Ayu dukung dia, masya-Allah panas badan dia makin menjadi-jadi. After feed him, Ayu check temperature. It was 38.5. Terus Ayu kejutkan 5rz and cakap pasal temperature dia. 5rz suruh siap g hospital. Went to the hospital at 3 in the morning.  

Dr masukkan ubat melalui bontot Faris and the fever suddenly gone. Sampai berpeluh-peluh dah Faris. Before balik dari hospital tu, Dr kasi ubat antibiotik, ubat batuk and ubat demam. Ok fine. Esok tu, terpaksa ambik another leave since my baby still demam. Panas badan dia still tak surut2. Padahal hari tu Ayu ada meeting yang sangat penting plak tu. But what to do? My baby needs me. 

Tengah hari tu bagi makan pun tak mau. Dalam 2 sudu je dia makan. Itu pun dipaksa. Nak makan ubat ape ntah lagi. Dulu, tak susah nak suapkan ubat but since fever ni nak kena dipaksa suap masya-Allah bukan main payah lagi. Malam tu plak after bf him, he seems like macam tak puas. So Ayu bancuh fm 4oz. Habis sekali minum. I was like 'eh, tak kenyang ke dia ni?' Padahal Ayu bf dia tadi dua2 belah tau. Top up fm lagi. Sekali bila angkat nak dukung dia, dia muntah! Keluar balik semua susu. We both panic tak tau nak buat ape. Sama ada nak ke hospital ke tak. 5rz asked to wait until mid night and tengok macam mane temperature dia. 

Malam tu (Khamis) his temperature was still the same. Macam biasa after bf him, check his temperature and it was increasing to 38.6. That time, it's already 3 am. Bagi ubat then terus ke hospital tapi time tu ada emergency case plak. So we wait. Tiba giliran kami and told the Dr the whole story. The temperature at that time increased to 38.7. Ha boleh bayangkan tak? Tu pun after kasi ubat. Macam mane tu? The Dr said that the antibiotics tooks 2 days to response to the virus bla bla bla. Aku plak hangin bila all the Drs suh sabar bla bla bla. I'm not expecting that his fever tetiba hilang terus but at least his temperature should be decreasing and not vice versa. Dr pun macam biasa masukkan ubat melalui bontot Faris and that's it. Aku pun macam pelik. Eh, anak aku ni dah demam since Isnin and now already Khamis kot. Tak kan asyik nak masuk ubat through bontot je. At least check la darah ke urine ke bagai. Ayu paksa terus Dr tu check darah. Kesian bila fikir Faris kena cucuk drip nak ambik darah but for me, it's better that way. Manala tau ada something wrong ke kan. (Minta dijauhkan) So, ambik blood test and we waited like 1 n half hours for the results. Alhamdulillah all negative. All tu sebab we took the influenza A, influenza B and Denggi test. Ok fine. Balik la kami. 

3 am in the morning at Gleneagles Hospital

The next day tu pun, I took a day off to monitor Faris. Alhamdulillah temperature dia pun dah turun. Suka sangat bila anak dah sihat. Tengok dia pun nak main and melompat-lompat semula. :D

Time demam tu, 2 malam jugalah kami ke hospital kul 3 pagi and went back home at 6 in the morning. Kesian 5rz la since esok tu dia still pergi kerja. After demam dah kebah, timbul plak penyakit baru. He got rashes all over his face. We suspected him chicken pox but when we went to see a Dr, the Dr said that is not chicken pox but some sort of virus ape ntah. Oh ya baru ingat. It's Measles. Measles ni macam rashes pun ye gak. Go Google and tengok measles ni macam mane but Faris tak la kena teruk sangat macam dalam internet tu. A light measles I would say. Kalau chicken pox plak, dia akan klua time baby tu still demam panas. Like on the 4th or 5th day macam tu. Tapi tak pelah. At least now the rashes has gone and alhamdulillah my Faris dah kembali ceria seperti sedia kala. Alhamdulillah syukur ya Allah.

I like it when he ketap bibir macam tu. Sayang anak ibu.

{From Ayu with ♥}

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Our Lady Boss

Our boss was admitted to hospital due to appendix (I don't know betul ke tak ejaan ni) We wanted to come by to the hospital to ziarah her but she insisted. She need some rest. So, we decided to send her a flowers instead. Nasib baik bawah office ada kedai jual bunga. 

After she was discharge, she invited us (Registry's Dept) to her house for lunch. Tapi semua girls jela since the guys semua kena g prayers. Hari tu hari Jumaat. Bought her some apples as a buah tangan. I just DIY-ed the apples untuk kasi cantik je. Tak susah pun. Ikat ribbon sahaja. Jimat kos pun iye gak. 

Recycled my weddings ribbons

Almost done


Plastik tu supaya buah tak jatuh dalam keta. Time nak kasi boss, we all buka that plastik

Sampai kat umah Puan, terpegun dengan her pink corner. Fulamak jealous I. 

Her pink corner =)

Then we had our lunch. Puan tapau from mamak je pun but still sedap. We ate nasi kandaq for sure. Tapi, Puan ada wat sambal belacan and some ulams. Her sambal belacan buat Ayu teringat-ingat until now. 

Ahhh sambal belacan oii!

Overal, we did had fun that day. Gossiping dengan boss sometimes best jugak. But now, our boss has returned to work as usual but she still weak though. You'll be surprise if you knew her age. I'm not gonna paste her picture here. You go and google it yourself kalau you all nak sangat tengok la. Kekeke.

I paling kecik. Suka2. :D Hehe ilusi duk tengah je tu. Kena himpit, kecik la kan? :p

Baru perasan. I look weird in this pic
{From Ayu with ♥}

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