Friday, January 11, 2013

Outing Alone With Faris

Starting 2013 hari tu with hmm duk rumah je and buat kerja rumah yang tertangguh sebab weekend sebelum tu Ayu pergi family vacation. After bercuti, sure la banyak laundry nak kena buatkan? Later on the vacation. Anyway on second day in 2013, I have lots of plans need to be done. Early in the morning, I went to KK for Faris 9 months check up. This time I'm drivng alone with Faris since 5rz ada important job on that day. No choice. I dah terfikir-fikir dah macam mane la I nak handle Faris sorg2. Alhamdulillah he's fine time check up dekat KK. Tak cranky and tak lasak sangat. So, next check up will be in February and the month after that will be his first birthday and also akan ada 1 year injection. 

Dalam kereta dia behave. Syukur

My tips for going to KK alone with your baby.

  1. Instead of having 2 bags, I just settled down with 1 bag. His diaper bag Ayu tinggalkan dalam kereta together with his botol susu etc. Dalam handbag Ayu cuma ada susu Faris, buku KK, and my other things like hand phone etc. Pampers pun x de. In case Faris need his diaper's change, Ayu boleh grab dalam kereta je.
  2. Pakaikan baju baby yang senang nak buka and senang nak pakaikan balik. I always practice this tak kisahla kalau 5rz ada teman ke tak. Lagi plak kalau Ayu g sorg kan? Lagi la kena make sure baju yang Faris pakai tu mudah and cepat nk buka and pakaikan balik. 
Syukur we survived at KK. Next stop will be at post office to open an ASB account for Faris and also to update our own account. Orang macam biasalah, ramai. I was number 2065 and the number that time was 2006. Fuiyoooo. Time tu, Ayu berserah jela. Kalau Faris cranky sangat, Ayu nak balik. Sementara tunggu nombor Ayu  dipanggil, Ayu bawak Faris window shopping dekat JJ kejap. FYI,post offc tu dalam bangunan JJ. Then sempat renew my JJ card lagi. Pastu pergi beli groceries kejap dekat super market then Faris dah start cranky and I make him milk so dia senyap. 

Time ni nak renew JJ card. Anak dah sleepy dah ni.
Trying this mickey mouse sun glass on him.

Every time ada sun glass tu dia senyum macam ni. Cuteness!

Lepas tu dia akan try bukak sun glass tu. 

When my time comes, Ayu pun hengeh2 la sorong stroller with all the documents needed. Time tu Faris dah start cranky balik so Ayu bukak phone Ayu and tunjukkan his fav cartoon, Pinocchio. Layan Pinocchio terus diam. Bila semua dah settled, balik la Ayu ke rumah.

Nampak je macam senang but susah gak jalan2 without 5rz. Kalau ikutkan pengalaman Ayu ni x de la mencabar sangat compared dengan orang lain yang siap travel berdua je ngan baby but it was really a sweet and good experience for me. Dengan Ayu struggle nak bukak and tutup stroller la bagai. Yela selama ni 5rz je yang buat. Sampai destinasi, Ayu and Faris tunggu dalam keta and bila semua dah siap, baru kami keluar. Ha kau baru nak hargai laki kan? Kuikuikui

{From Ayu with ♥}

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