Monday, April 1, 2013

My Birthday Story

My ootd. Kekeke :p

It was my birthday last Wednesday (27th March 2013). I thought that 5rz terlupa but he was so sweet sebab ingat birthday Ayu. Hehe see simple je kan? Ingat birthday je dah rasa sweet. Kebetulan on 26th - 27th March 5rz ada kursus dekat KLCC. On my birthday eve tu, we spent more time together. Watching movie (dekat rumah je) while Faris main sorang2. Hehe kasi chance la Faris ye. Then bila Faris dah ngantuk, I went upstairs nak tido kan Faris dulu while 5rz continued watching the movie.

2345 hours, we both already in our room and Faris already doze off. Ayu baring kejap while 5rz main game kat iPad. Then dalam 5 mins macam tu I went down. 5rz tanya nak ke mana? I said nak cuci botol kejap. Then bila naik balik, time nak tutup pintu tu, I saw something. Dekat pemegang pintu tu ada plastik merah and satu kertas terjulur keluar from that plastic bag. I took the paper and said ''Ape ni?" Sambil tu Ayu try to read on the paper (time tu just pasang lampu tdo) Ayu tenung je kertas tu. Still figure out kertas tu nak cakap ape sebenarnya. Then he said

"Tengokla kat belakang"

I fliped the paper over and I saw this

Jadila kad birthday gini. I still love you B

I was smiling ear to ear and I did laugh a bit. Boleh pulak si 5rz buat kad macam tu untuk aku. Then I said to him

"Ala ingatkan surat ni nak cakap hotel room for stay ke ape. Sebab surat ni from Tokio Marine."

5rz gelak je. Then I grab the plastic bag and opened up my present. Just what I need. I love it. And its pink (to the eye of 5rz) Bila bukak lampu terang jap bilik. Then I saw its actually light purple and not pink. But I still love it. Thank you B. I asked him

"Bila beli ni?"
"Tadi. Actually b habis kursus awal dalam pukul 515 pm then jalan2 dekat KLCC cari hadiah syg. Banyak kedai cari semata nak cari warna pink tau"

Auwww so sweet. Actually petang on 26th tu we meet up dekat KLCC and jalan2 jap until pukul 7 malam baru naik lrt balik nak balik rumah. Come to think of it, time tu my present was already with him, inside his laptop bag la kan? Patut la time Ayu suruh masukkan barang dalam bag dia, he refused. And when he went to the gens, he did not let me hold his bag. Barula Ayu terfikir skrg ni. So anyway surprise dia menjadi! 

On my birthday plak, I was on leave sebab kebetulan kena bawa Faris cucuk 1 year. 5rz memang x boleh nak buat ape la sebab dia ada kursus. But Faris and I went to KLCC to meet 5rz for dinner. Ala simple dinner je. Ayu teringin nak makan sushi, so sushi for dinner. No birthday cake but it's ok. Salmon will be enough for me.

Yes, he now can walk. Alhamdulillah

Yes come to ibu sweet heart

Faris tengah nak panggil ayah dia yang baru klua from the other side of corner

Ni yang Ayu paling suka ni! Semata nak makan ni!

After dinner, duduk lepak2 dekat taman sambil tengok air pancut. Then went back home. I had a blast birthday so far sebab I really like the way 5rz surprise kan Ayu. Sebab 5rz ni bukan jenis yang romantik!!!!!!!! Banyak kali dah aku sebut!!!!!!!!! Sekali sekala suami jadi romantik, kasi chance la kat aku suka riang gumbira cerita dalam blog sikit. Hehe :p So, ya. Happy belated birthday to me. 3 days gap je from Faris's birthday.

My heart, my soul, my everything

{From Ayu with ♥}


Elya Roza said...

happy belated birthday ayuu..
dah lama tak tgk notification birthday dalam facebook..hehehe

Lyena Vee said...

Happy belated birtdah ayu!

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Unknown said...

Elya n Vee : Tq korang

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