Almost done! Alhamdulillah.
Tips : Before buying a new set for your room (x kisah la ape pun) make sure korg tau ape yg korg nak and make sure it suitable enough for your space. Let say korg nk katil saiz king tp klu korg x pnah ukur lebar and pnjg dlm blk sendiri dh susah kt situ kn? I've done this long time ago. Time Ramadhan lg. Itu pun secara kebetulan. [Post]
So from my other [Post], 5rz did came to my house, meet my parents, looked inside my room (soon to be ours), looking around, bncg2 ngan my dad, tgk blk air, borak2 lg ngan my dad then we went off to survey the bedroom set. Actually nk survey je. Tup2 dh settle beli skali. Alhamdulillah. That was the 5th store we went kot. First2 survey around kawasan umah je. Semua boleh kate murah and worth it la sbb skrg tgh sale. Last destination was suppose nk g Cavenzi kt Selayang (x tau la ada Cavenzi ke x kt Selayang. Yg Ayu tau 5rz drive nk ke sana) Dh smpi Selayang tu kteorg pun mencari la mana2 kedai perabot sementara nk 'terjmpa' ngan Cavenzi. Tetiba I saw this kind of promotion banner. So we followed the directions given and found the store.
They serve you with a welcoming drink. No2. This is not my bed.
Kedai ni terbahagi kepada dua. Satu kt bahagian luar and another one bahagian dlm. At first kami tgk bhgn luar. Ok la not bad. Then 5rz tanya x nk msk dlm ke? Gurlp. Dlm hati rasa cam x layak je nk msk dlm tu. Rasa cam *kaching* x ckp kot. But hey x pelah. Msk jela utk cuci mata. Dlm dia sgt exclusive and sgt besar. Tp kteorg x bazir byk masa. We went straight to bedroom corner. Tgk2 survey, then we both stop and stare (ecece mcm lagu plak) at this kind of bed for a while.
"Eh lawala kayu dia"
5rz angguk. Then Ayu terus ke belakang survey2 lg. Then pg bilik sebelah sana and tgk harga yg riban gle2. Ok klua dr corner tu sbb tau kemampuan saving. Then discuss2 and 5rz did the calculation and set. Terus I asked this one SA to gave us a good price if we take this plus this bla bla bla. Hampeh x de kurang lnsg! I even asked her to gave us at least a free side table ke, lnsg x nk dia kasi! Tp 5rz kate ok la. For king size bed and she gave us that price, worth it!
Time nk bayar deposit tu I saw the SA's staff tag kt atas meja.
"Oh so you May"
Then Ayu bisik2 kt 5rz
"Dia manager la!"
5rz wat muka surprise. Hehehe. Ok boleh x kami sesuka hati je suruh manager assist kami? Huwahahah. Tp manager pun x kasi free pape!
Paying the deposit
FYI, I took the bed saje without set. The rest mmg guna yg lama saje coz it's still in good condition. Jd kejanya skrg, Ayu kena kemas blk semua bj2 Ayu. Yg mana rasa x pki tu, mak suruh sedekah saje kt umah anak yatim or kt sape2. This is to create a space for 5rz. Tp Ayu tau bj 5rz x byk mana pun. My bed wood in colour ye sbb blk Ayu skrg mmg colour2 wood saje. So I left with no option. Furniture tu semua mmg ayah dh beli dulu lg time kami bermastautin di South Africa. Klu boleh mmg la nk white in colour but wood colour pun ok aje.
So settle psl bedroom tggl nk cr bantal and cadar je. That one later2 pun ok. Insya-Allah the bed will be delivered in January. Actually within 2 or 3 days dh boleh delivered dh tp Ayu je yg saje nk lmbt ckit. Nk kemas ape yg patut dulu. Sape2 yg nk cr katil ke perabot ke meh la ke Selayang. Cr kedai nama Home Star Furnishing Sdn. Bhd. Sorry no web link. But I can give you the address
No 1, Ideal Conventition Centre,
Jalan PS 10, Taman Prima Selayang,
68100 Batu Caves, Selangor
or you can always go to Puchong. Which one yg dekat to you la
P2 & P4, Jalan Bandar Tujuh Belas,
Pusat Bandar Puchong,
47100 Puchong, Selangor
Tips : Harus diingat, klu ambik king size, segala perbelanjaan akn bertambah. Cadar, mattress cover (ayoooo cadar ngan matress cover x samakah?) and semualah. Of coz saiz king lg mahal dr saiz queen. Huwaaaa.... Tp tula Ayu mmg dr dulu nk king size.
Thinking to decorate my bed like this one tp cam x de budget je. Huhu. Cepat sape mau sponsor?
From Google
pss:// I stayed in Taman Keramat and there's no transportation charge. Wee~~
{From Ayu with ♥}