Friday, April 2, 2010

Engagement Preparations Part 1

During the risik time, my future mother in law dh ttp kn nk wat majlis tunang on 13th March 2010. (Damn I was hoping to do it on 20th or 27th. 20th because it's my anniversary but unofficial one while 27th is my bday!) So since his mom dh ttp kn my dad pon ckp that hopefully that date never change cause it's like less than a month to prepare. Saya pon tiba2 jd gelabah.

First plan was to do a simple one. I mean like no hantaran were given. Just a sarung cincin ceremony. Then discuss punya discuss, 5rz kate ramai makcik2 dia nk kasi itulah inilah. So acara tukar2 hantaran tu pon terpaksalah diadakn. Luckily for him because all the hantarans was given from his aunty, company and client except the ring.

Since we got less than a month, every week we went out utk cr brg2 preparations. First week after the risik time tu we both went out with his sister. Smpi kt shopping mall br la terkial-kial nk pk hantaran nk kasi ape. Then 5rz dgn selamba ckp, jom la kte g MPH beli pen n small note. Hahah dlm hati Ayu rasa cam kelakar la!

Ok2 selesai menyenarai pendekkn list2 of hantaran, we went to cr mini pelamin plak. Again x de arah tuju. We all like klua jln2 n cr je mana yg jmpa tepi2 jln tu. Rasa sgt blur (yela first time wat2 semua ni) Jln punya jln, jmpa satu kedai tepi jln ni tp time tu hujan sgt lebat. Smpi je depan pintu ada notis kedai ttp. Adeh setelah meredah hujan yg begitu lebat, ttp plak kedai. Ok so everything happend for a reason. So now I'm aware that butik2 pengantin ni akn bukak upon appointment only ye. (Ke semua dh tau? Am I the only one that unaware about this??? Damn!!!) Then suddenly, Noi (5rz's sis) ckp dia ada kenal 1 akak ni yg ada butik pengantin. So ape lg, she called, ask about the mini pelamin, bj, make-up and all. So kira dh settle. Second week Ayu wat appointment g butik dia. Suka2!!! :)

That's all about my early preparation for my E-day. So at the end of the day, we end up with buying nothing just a small pink note and a black pen (Pink note 2 saya yg pilih ye. Haha comel je tgk 5rz bwk buku tu ke mana2.)

Ni la pink note + black pen yg kami beli

Ni plak, 5rz menyenarai kn bil pihak dia yg akn dtg
{From Ayu with ♥}


Zana Adieyza said...

so cute note book tu..

but utk wedding nnti kena beli yg tebal ckit sbb nak prepare mcm2 n nak simpan bil2 ( if u rasa nak simpan la dear..)..

bila big day u dear..?

Unknown said...

Yup2. Mmg nk beli yg br pun nnti. Utk soalan bila my big day tu you have to wait and keep on reading this la eh (Eleh budget artis terkenal je!) Insya-Allah thn depan. :)

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