So I read about how Lyana mention my name here. Thanks yang. Igt kn Lyana pun dh ambik. X sia2 la Ayu post comment kt BBF wall eh? And yes mmg susah nk cr offc dia sbb I myself couldn't find where was the Heritage House. Ayu pusing 3 kali to finally found the place. Duhhh!
Anyhow, I went there just to collect my FREE movie tixs. Bkn 1, bkn 2 but 4 of them. Wee~~ Thank you nuffnang! Also thanks to TGV Cinema! Nuffnang had emailed me for the free tix month ago and Ayu mmg planned nk ambik tix smalam, last day to collect. Suddenly, dlm email tu ckp, kena collect the tix before 31 March. Oh no! I'm so late. Rasa mcm x kn dpt pun ado. But hey. I just trying my luck. As I told before, mmg susah nk cr offc dia. (Sbb x tau Heritage House di mana) Ayo.... Parking plak, ada parking yg msk 1 jam RM 3. But if you were there just to collect the tix, shouldn't be a problem right? Cuma nk bayar RM 3 utk beberapa minit korg kt sana rasa cam x berbaloi plak. Lucky me. I have my 'driver'
So, naik lift and ada this one guy tanya nk g tgkt mana. Ayu ckp la tgkt 12. Time tu rasa cam eh? 12 ke 12B. Tgk alamat blk, 12B. Tp time tu Ayu diam jela. Then that guy stoped kt tgkt 8 and I left alone in the elevator. Then Ayu tgk la butang dlm lift tu. Oh ok ada tgkt 12A and 12B. I pressed 12B but suddenly lift tu turun plak. Adoiii. Sabar jela. Then came new crowds and masing2 tekan tgkt masing2. (Ayat apakah ini?) Then ada girls ni tekan tgkt 12B. Bila dh smpi tgkt 12B tu, Ayu wat2 confident jln menonong tanpa tgk signboard. Then jmpa pintu kecemasan and klua. Hahaha. Ada this one guy plak smoking. Then Ayu dgn confident turun tgkt bwh. Then Ayu pk nk naik lift utk ke tgkt 12B blk but x jd. So Ayu naik tgga tp Ayu menggunakan tangga yg belah sana plak. The reason was, Ayu x nk that guy yg tgh smoking tu nmpk Ayu tgh lost. Then jmpa tangga belah sana tp gelap la plak. Takut ok. Time tula terbayang kes rogol la bagai. Masya-Allah! Minta simpang. I know probably you guys wondering what the hell am I doing? Acting like a fool! I don't like to show people around me that I'm lost, when I'm not comfortable with it. So, that's explain the whole thing.
Anyway anyway. So I'm in the offc and then came this one guy. I asked him that I'm there to collect a tixs. Next, a Chinese girls assist me.
"Hi. I don't know whether I'm late or not. I'm suppose to collect the free tixs before today but I'm here now just to try my luck."
"No no. You still can collect the tixs but the tixs will expired today."
Time tu Ayu pun dh adoi... Dlm email x de plak dia ckp. Means, nk x nk kena tgk wayang hr tu gak!
"It's ok then, I'm off today anyway" Whatever!
Sementara Chinese girl tu g ambik tixs, ada sorg lg Chinese girl tanya kt pompuan tadi.
"Is she a blogger?" Tp x de sape nk jwb then dia tanya terus kt Ayu.
"Are you a blogger?""Yes I am"
"Oh here's for you"
I recognize the sign from and wondering utk apekah dia kasi Ayu benda tu. Whatever. Then bila dh dpt tixs terus plan nk tgk wayang.
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Pic stolen from Lyana's blog. Boleh kn Lyana? That was the sign and the free tixs |
Lyana, awak pun g Wangsa Walk ke? Ayoooo. Nape kte x berjumpa dan ciom molot lekat2 eh td? Ke jodoh kte masih belum ada? Haha. Alhamdulillah I manage to burn that 4 free tixs within a day. Dh kate expired smalam. Harusla gunakan rezeki yg ada.
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These were the movies that we saw. 1 pilihan 5rz and 1 pilihan Ayu. Both sgt best! Me loike it vey much! |
Tips : Ambik free tixs awal2 once you receive an email from nuffnang. Bear in mind that the tixs valid during your birthday month sahaja. (They should stated there in the email tho)
A big thank you for nuffnang and TGV Cinema for the free tickets. 4 plak tu. So wow! What a perfect way to end my birthday month as a single, insya-Allah.
{From Ayu with ♥}
hahaha ;D. kak, tasha pun. tp nasib baik sblm pergi tasha google map dulu heritage tu kat mane. so, bile dah tau takde la sesat sgt. tasha main cuba je jln tu. nasib baik betul!
then mase masuk tu mcm org jakun. *banyak nye tingkat dia!!*
kan? lepas dah sampai depan pintu office nufnang tu dlm hati tasha berkate 'aik, mcm ni office?' lol.
*p/s : tp tasha punye tiket laku 1 bulan. birtday tasha 15 feb. expired 15 mac.
sebab nyer yana gi tgk cun semalam kul 7.20pm heheeh ;))
tasha : Akak dh ggogle map dh tp ntah la. Dh berada di jln yg betul cuma x jmpa heritage house tu kt mane. Hehe. Tp best la awak punya expired from your birth date till 1 month after your birth date.
Lyana : Ooo patut x jmpa utk ciom molot. :D
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