Jakel has now came out with the promotion you guys. Mmg sgt2 cheap. First2 dulu harga RM 199 for semi france lace utk bj perempuan (2 metre lining, 2 metre lace) + bj melayu and songket (4 and the half metre lining). Now they cut the price as low as RM 159! This promotion smpi 31 November 2010.
Last time I spoke to 5rz about our nikah oufit. He said klu boleh cr kain yg lg murah, better cr lain. In other words, he says that chiffon beaded is too expensive. Previous entry [here] Nk sent tailor lg. Dia suggest ambik kain lace ke. You know, yg jauh lebih murah. Mula2 wat muka la gak. Tp bila pk2 blk, kena redha ngan ape yg kte mampu kn?
Mmg sedih bila ape yg kte inginkn x dpt. As for me, Ayu la yg paling byk memberontak. Nk itu nk ini. Tp 5rz pun paham (eh B paham x?) Ayu ni mula2 je tarik muka. Sedih la konon2 x dpt ape yg Ayu nk. Tp bila dh lama2, Ayu akn muhasabah diri. Pk blk mgkn x de rezeki kte kt chiffon beaded, mgkn ada kt tmpt lain. Plus kte kena slalu ukur bj di badan sendiri kn? So, lama2 Ayu terima je. J Mcm 5rz slalu ckp, yg penting kawin J
Masya-Allah. Gmbr segadang gadang eh kau lotak!
Kemetotnye saya without my heel. Ayu syukur Ayu J
Mmg sedih bila ape yg kte inginkn x dpt. As for me, Ayu la yg paling byk memberontak. Nk itu nk ini. Tp 5rz pun paham (eh B paham x?) Ayu ni mula2 je tarik muka. Sedih la konon2 x dpt ape yg Ayu nk. Tp bila dh lama2, Ayu akn muhasabah diri. Pk blk mgkn x de rezeki kte kt chiffon beaded, mgkn ada kt tmpt lain. Plus kte kena slalu ukur bj di badan sendiri kn? So, lama2 Ayu terima je. J Mcm 5rz slalu ckp, yg penting kawin J
Bila dh selesai muhasabah diri, Ayu look for other alternative. Ok klu 5rz ckp chiffon beaded mahal and dia suruh tgk lace, lace it is. I found it lace very boring and so outdated. No offense people. But then I try to google here and there to find a way on how I can make my lace look nice. So found this and it came across my mind ‘hmm not bad’ Klu wat kain mcm ni pun ok. Nmpk cam ada volume gitu. Bj tu plak klu x nk nmpk kosong, boleh suruh tailor jahit manik but I’m not sure upah jahit manik brape plak. Korg tau? Klu tau plz share if you don’t mind. Klu x silap ada gak B2B kte yg ambik upah jahit manik but really sape eh? Mana tau boleh tau price brape?
Hr tu mak ada ckp
Hr tu mak ada ckp
“Sanding nnti nk pki songket x?”
“Songket? X mo la mak. Panas”
“Dewan kn ada air cond”
Alahai mak den nk den pki songket plak. Tp mak x paksa pun. So skrg masih dlm perbincangan ngan 5rz. Mayb nikah ke wat songket? Tgk2. Dr chiffon ke lace ke songket. Nk tgk mana murah dulu.
First choice - Chiffon Beaded
Harga asal Ayu tgk was RM 624 dia kasi RM 600 for 4 metre lining, 4 metre chiffon, 4 and the half metre for baju melayu. Before this harga dia RM 780 eh Dayah? Akak x mampula nk boli mahal2 cam gituw. Dayah kayo x polah JHarga last time Ayu pg on October 2010 dh turun RM 550. Utk hantar tailor plak a bit pricey sbb beaded tu susah sikit nk jahit. So, total cost would be RM 1k++ for both bride and groom.
Harga last Ayu tanya on October 2010 for 4 metre of songket, 4 and the half metre lining for groom + sampin was RM 400++ (Really x hengat) Please take note ya. Klu pki songket utk nikah, bj belah bride kena wat double coz songket it self kn gatal ckit. So klu tmbh 4 metre of lining for bride dpt la dlm RM 500 cam tu. Utk hntr tailor, upah murah compared tu chiffon beaded tp mcm biasa, bride punya bj mesti akn charge double sbb dh ada songket ngan lining kt dlm tu kn? Tp klu nk save, Ayu pk x payah pki lining. Korg leh pki singlet or inner then utk kain plak, pki kain dlm je. Dh save cost kt situ. And then some people akn suruh tailor tmbh manik plak kt songket utk naik kn lagi kain songketnye. So dh tmbh cost lg disitu. L All in Ayu kira, sama dengan chiffon beaded which is RM 1k++ gak. Cth Zla time nikah dia pki songket.
Next choice – Since I’m done talking about songket, let’s move on to lace shall we?Pics taken [here]
Lace skrg mmg sgt2 murah. Pg Jakel je dh dpt 2 metre lining for bride, 2 metre lace, 4 and the half metre lining for groom + sampin for RM 159! Murah kn? Hntr tailor pun x mahal. I mean still bwh RM 1k gak la. Klu rasa kain tu nk cantik kn ckit, wat cam gmbr yg Ayu tepek kt atas td tu. Then lace tu boleh jgk suruh tailor letak manik. Jahit manik tgk la. Klu korg nk jahit byk, mahal la costnye. Klu sikit and batu or manik yg korg guna tu biasa2 je, kurang la ckit cost nye. So cost for lace ni (beli + siap jahit skali) I think the most cheapest among the other kain yg Ayu sebut just now.
Skrg ni Ayu still nk kn chiffon tu tp Ayu nk tggu smpi price dia down tu RM 400. Impossible? Nah. One of my readers Nurul Farihah (pardon me sayang. I don't have your url) pnah dpt harga tu dulu and dia kate dia menyesal x beli dulu. I’ll wait until end of this year utk dptkn harga tu. Insya-Allah klu ada rezeki la. Bln November ni belum berkesempatan lg sggh mana2 Jakel to check on the price. Will do later. 5rz pun dh ckp
This one very nice. Lace beaded eh namanya? Tp I tell you. Beribu harga!
Skrg ni Ayu still nk kn chiffon tu tp Ayu nk tggu smpi price dia down tu RM 400. Impossible? Nah. One of my readers Nurul Farihah (pardon me sayang. I don't have your url) pnah dpt harga tu dulu and dia kate dia menyesal x beli dulu. I’ll wait until end of this year utk dptkn harga tu. Insya-Allah klu ada rezeki la. Bln November ni belum berkesempatan lg sggh mana2 Jakel to check on the price. Will do later. 5rz pun dh ckp
“Klu nmpk je harga kain tu turun RM 400 atau RM 450 je, kte terus ambik k?”
ps://Eh sesiapa slalu g Jakel meh update kain chiffon beaded tu brape harga skrg?
{From Ayu with ♥}
Kak ayu nk kn ni ea..mn de kayo kak..sy wat 1 majlis sj.xde bertandang..jd sy pulun r kak..ahahaha..jhat x?jahat x sy mengikis mr fiance sy?huhuhu
Dekat gulatis ade chiffon harga 400-450.. Kain pon ok not bad..
babe, selamba je cakap kalau rm500 saya ambil. kalau tak, takpela kak sebab tu je last saya boleh bayar. then dia akan buat2 tanya bos dia dan akan agree. try lah! hehe. it works for me :D
ayu, sy baru ke jakel last week.Chiffon beaded paling murah sy dpt rm125/m.ikutkan harga pakej sebenarnya lg mahal.but, u have to bargain la.bargain yg kaw2 punye.tapi utk sy punye baj, sy cuma beli 2.25m chiffon beaded, 2.5m chiffon kosong and 4 m lining=below rm400..=)
wah semua nk amik chiffon beaded ni..kak mia rembat je...kain lace utk kenduri kak mia & songket (kena lining) pd kenduri bertandang rumah lelaki...tp, so far akak beli terus & pastikan baju tu leh pakai...kira berbaloi gak harganya dr nak belanja beribu2x lebih utk baju...
yg ptg mcm ur fiance ckp "ikut kemampuan' .sedar x sedar bile dekat2x akhir nk majlis ni, byk duit kena pakai..kena beringat gak...kdg2x rs nk nangis pikikan duit..nyesal sbb x menabung byk2x..
sy pun tengah cari kain ni..mula2 ada gk niat nak chiffon beaded tp mcm x mampu je..huhuhu..lagipun kt kuantan x de plhn..huk3..warna pun xbnyk..
so,decide dgn bakal roomate nak survey kt KL je nnt..hope dpt sesuatu yg bersesuaian dengan bajet nnt.. =)
ayu....songket lawaaa..elya kalau tak nak pakai songket masa majlis bertandang nnt. since kiterang planning nak buat share nnt, maybe nak buat songket+ chiffon kot?? or songket+ lace??
wat say u??????hehehehee
hi! first time membaca di sini.. sila tengok kat G's, jalan tar.. pomotion chiffon beaded yg dorg promote much cheaper than j****.. the promotion comes with 4mtr chiffon, 4 mtr lining, 4 1/2 bju melayu & sampin for man.. go & ask them! =)
hi ayu, kalau betul nak chiffon beaded tu boleh tunggu sampai year end sale tuk dapat sampai RM400 or bagus kalo dpt lagi murah..masa beli kat jakel dulu dia bagi 4m chiffon beaded, 4m lining and 4m satin..tapi,beading yang simple2 mcm kat tgh kain sikit2 and hujung kain byk..ayu kene tgok design dulu sebelum beli chiffon beaded ne sbb ada sesetengah baju sush or tak boleh buat kalo kain tu da beaded..baik tanya tailor dulu ke kalo ada special design tuk baju,tengok diorg suggest yang macam mana..lagi baek beli kain plain chiffon and hantar jahit beads..mcm anes dulu sedey sbb da beli kain,tak dpt buat mcm design yg anes nak sbb chiffon tu da siap beaded..hee..just my 2cents
dear..xpon u nk save..just beli chiffon beaded 2m je..yg lain beli chiffon kosong ke? ok pe cmtu..ehehe.. :)
Dayah : Akak pun wat 1 majlis je dear. Tp x tau lg mcm mane. Just hope for the best :)
Kasut Pink : Really? Which Gulatis? Coz I've checked them all and unfortunately, Jakel punya chiffon lg cheap.
eena : Hehe good idea :) I nk ckp klu RM 300 I terus ambik la. LOL!
Meey@ : Boleh elaborate awak wat bj cam mane nnti? Interested gak nk tau plz?
Kak Mia : Tu la kak. Kena byk redha :)
rose : Alah siannya klu kt sana x byk choice. Terpaksa ke KL plak kena cr eh? Anyway good luck to you too k?
Elya : Sayang! Songket mmg sgt lawa. Classic gituw. Tp kn klu songket pki ngan cucuk kt rmbt tu, oh sgt la lawa okies? My say? Chiffon songket kot?
Ain : I've been there dear but mcm Ayu ckp kt komen atas tu, Jakel still paling murah
AnEs : Thanks sayang tp Ayu dh ckp kt tailor n dia boleh buat. Plus, dpt harga murah dr tailor lain :)
didieadila : Kn? Kain chiffon tu biar kosong tp wat design volume2 gitu kn? Hmm I think I'll consider ur idea la :)
ayu, meh ajak saya p bargain kain meh. =)
nak jimat kan, i suggest u, to buy plain silk chiffon (material nampak mewah even just a plain chiffon) which, for 4metres, u boleh dapat less than rm100-200. lepas tuh jahit baju, pandai design2 nampak chick sikit, lepas tuh hantar kat beadmeplease.my, mintak die buatkan patch lace+beading. i bet, ur baju akan nampak macam dari designer! =))
goodluck! =)
byk betul info...fuh rambang dah mata nih!
gud luck yer ayu :)
Belle : Nice info! Suka ok dia punya work! Tp web dia x de contact number eh Belle?
makcik rokiah : Thanks sayang. Ayu lg rambang mata :)
boleh add die kat facebook. search for zaza zahari! =)
Masya-Allah. Jauh belle. Kos lg. Nk meet in person lg. Adeh :(
owh yeke.. die kat ampang. ayu katne. pernah tanya die, patch lace dekat collar and tangan dalam rm200, lace die provide sekali. i rasa murah dah sebab, kalau kite beli border lace pun dah rm100++..
kalau jauh, kene cari alternative lain la. sob3.
Laa amapng je? Ayu KL. Dekat la kn? Ke I'm adding the wrong person in FB? Lol!
ops! hehe. mungkin jugak tuh. hehe.. takpe, try link ni:
nanti cari zaza zahari. ada tak. hehe.
personally, sy suka songket!! tp maybe panas kot.. tp bile lg kan nk pakai songket? Ms kawin je la blh pakai, hari biasa confirm xkan pakai kot.. hehe..
ayu try tgk lagi end this year, selalau kan ada sale..kot2 time tu murah =)
Sya : Tula. Songket pun nk. Huwaaahhh tamak tau I!
farah : Sesuka hati je nk pggl farah. X pe ke yang? Insya-Allah sayang. Mmg Ayu nk g try tgk later :)
syg.. erna beli songket murah... kat sebelah semua house tu.. ce tanya die~
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