Isnin baru2 ni, Ayu dah start kerja balik. Oh beratnya hati nak tinggal kan Faris. Semua kena siap awal2 pagi sekarang ni. Nak hantar Faris ke rumah MIL lagi. Dengan jammed lagi. Nak siap2kan EBM Faris lagi. Macam2 lah!
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Saw this at the white board. Auww missing those moment |
Masuk2 kerja je, my boss dah suruh attend meeting itu ini. Adoi! Just imagine. I come back to work on Monday, and on Wednesday tu kena attend meeting. Ala attend je kot kan? Memang la attend je, but I was the secretariat for Deans Meeting. So, for sure I have to collect all the documents to be ready. And at the same time, my boss also asked me to become the MC for Staff Gathering on Tuesday. FYI, we had Staff Gath on monthly basis.
Luckily the Staff Gath was postponed to next week which I still have to be the MC for the event. Oh my. My lidah will be twisted la cakap omputih macam ni. Soon or later, my time will come to be the MC jugak. We all rotate. Dato president nak kasi exposure for the staffs in public speaking. Ha gituw! Tapi, confident level saya tak tinggi! Nak jadi MC cakap bahasa ibunda pun dah takut, apetah lagi nak speaking London? Tulun saya!
Anyhow, tak apelah since my boss dah suruh I jadikan? She can appoint other staff under her department but ya, the rest memang stubborn (my boss sendiri cakap!) I know la I boleh diharap. *ahaks*
Itula cabaran minggu pertama masuk kerja. Macam2 dah kena buat.
{From Ayu with ♥}
ayu kerja mane? :)
Haizi : AeU. Asia e University. Taukah? Hahah :D
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