I know bulan ni on 11-13 May ada Baby Expo kat Mid Valley. But that one bukan under tce which mean MamyPoko maybe tak de. Ingatkan next week punya expo under tce, rupanya bukan. If I'm not mistaken, next tce punya expo will be on November. Lama lg tu.
Anyway, selain MamyPoko, Huggies pun agak selesa for my baby. Kebetulan Huggies ada sale la dekat Jusco or nama dia sekarang dah tukar ke Aeon. Tak tau la Jusco kawasan korang ada sale ke tak but kat area Ayu (Jusco AU2) ada.
Harga for newborn RM 26.90. Kira RM 27 la. Murah dah tu. For S size pun same price. This promotion until esok ye. So, hurry up! Ayu pun ingat nak suruh 5rz pergi beli balik kerja nanti.
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ps:// Entry ni ditulis time tengah breastfeed my baby. Guna one hand only. Ceh! Dah terror you alls :p
{From Ayu with ♥}
Aku rase aku tak wish kau lagi. Tahniah!
Dah pandai menaip sambil BF *clap-clap*
Pasni macam2 skill nanti kau akan belajar satu persatu. termasuklah belajar driving + BF + sms. HAHA
hihi.. sme la.. taip2 sme nyusu kn dhia.. :) hai lah anak... comel je bile ttbe tgh nyusu.. die nk jeling2 tgk kt pc..
Kidz : Drive, bf and sms tu x mo la aku. Bahaya kot. Nanti kena saman plak. Haha :D
cikpingu : :p
Salam ;)
Just drop by (blogwalking)
I pun memula igtkan MamyPoko takde.. But, a friend of mine cakap dia dah tanya MamyPoko kat FB and they said they join the expo! ;)
I really hope MamyPoko ada.. :D
Juliet : Yup dear. MamyPoko will be there. I'll also be there.
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